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The Founder

Jamie Cox

I loved sports all my life. I tried to find the job that included media and sports. When it didn't appear, I made it.

This site and podcast are my attempt to break into the sports media world. I am a 24 year old woman who has loved sports my entire life. I have always wanted to be a part of the sports world in some capacity and writing and talking about it have always come easy. I have my Bachelors degree from Georgia Southern University and my Masters degree from the University of Alabama, both in Journalism and Creative Media. Once I graduated, I had trouble finding THE job. So I decided to make it. Welcome to Out of Their League. A place for every kind of sports fan; the 50 year man who has watched all his life all the way to the teenage girl trying to find something in common with her boyfriend. I want to talk sports but not only that, I want to teach sports. I want to teach sports to any man, woman, or child that wants to know more but doesn't have the safe space to ask questions, learn, and have fun becoming knowledgeable about sports. Sports is a unifying force in this world that can provide a link between two unalike people. I want to instill the confidence that knowing and talking sports has always given me. So let's do this.  

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