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  • jjeffersonj13

Disaster in Dallas

I needed a full 24 hours to think about the epic failure that was the Dallas Cowboy wildcard match up before writing out all my thoughts. First and foremost, the amount of disgust I feel for this team is overwhelming. I am a Cowboy fan through and through and it was hard for me to continue to wear that star on my chest as the clock ran out in this heinous display of football. Dallas gained the 3 seed in the NFC, claimed home field advantage for at least one game, and was poised for their first deep run in the playoffs since the 90's. Some say this was the most talented team that Dallas has fielded since all those Super Bowl wins. It's hard to argue with 5 Pro Bowl invitations, a deep wide receiver core, a talented young quarterback, a defense that had the most takeaways in the league, and the list goes on.

But the Cowboys did what they did for a variety of games in the second half of the season, they choked. They choked in a big, embarrassing way. They came out flat and uninspired while digging themselves into a hole that was just big enough to get stuck in. They managed to stay close enough to keep their fans hopes alive. They got behind 13-0 early. Amari caught a touchdown pass to stay close and San Francisco answered with another field goal making it 16-7. They went into half time down by 9 and set to receive the kick. How did the Cowboys start the half? With a punt. The defense then forced another punt from San Fran but then Dak threw an interception in their redzone that was immediately followed by a Deebo touchdown making it 23-7. Dallas then kicked a field goal and followed that with an interception and touchdown making it 23-17.

The game was within reach with more than 7 minutes to play. The defense managed to force a punt but the offense couldn't make it happen turning it over on downs. Somehow the football gods managed to give the offense one last chance when the defense managed to force another punt with only 32 seconds left. This is when the knife that had already been plunged in the hearts of Cowboy fans was taken out only to have it shoved back in and wiggled around some. Dak threw to Wilson who managed a lateral that failed earlier in the game but made it to Lamb for 20 yards total. Then another pass to Pollard for 10 yards also pushed out of bounds. Then they managed it again getting the ball to Schultz for 9 yards and again out of bounds. 14 seconds left and Dallas sat at the San Francisco 41.

Now this is where most Cowboy fans actually thought oh my god we might have a shot. A chance at a hail mary. We have done it before, why not now? And then the dumbest play call in National Football League history. With 14 seconds left, they called for a quarterback sneak. A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. Dak got 17 yards which is all well and good if the ref didn't have to mark the ball. The ref didn't have enough time to make it to the spot, mark the ball, and Dak get the snap and spike it with time remaining. The refs came on the field and announced the game was over while the offense looked like they had never heard the rules of football in their life.

This review doesn't include the 14 penalties against the Cowboys. Over a third of which were pre snap penalties. I mean how undisciplined can you be? The Cowboys came into the game and shrunk under the pressure. The offensive line looked like a wet paper bag trying to stop a San Francisco d line that was without Bosa for a lot of the game. Every single aspect of the Cowboys game looked weak. There was a lack of preparation and execution that brought into question why all these players are being paid millions of dollars to continue to be pushed out of the playoffs in the first and second round.

The Dallas Cowboys have won 3 playoff games in the last 25 years. THREE. Colin Kaepernick has won 4. Mark Sanchez has won 4. Trent Dilfer has won 5. Like something needs to be fixed in Dallas and fast. The glory days are gone. You're the laughing stock of the NFL. Come September, I need to see real fundamental changes in this team, coaching, execution, and discipline to ever have faith in the Cowboys ever again. They've burnt me one too many times. But don't be surprised when I am wearing navy and white in September and screaming go boys. What can I say? I am loyal and have bad taste in sports teams.

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